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Antonius is a Norwegian citizen looking for parents in Lawang

Anis Hidayatie
24 Februari 2025 | 05.42 WIB Last Updated 2025-02-23T22:42:36Z


Antonius is a Norwegian citizen looking for parents in Lawang 

MALANG | JATIMSATUNEWS.COM - Antonius is a foreigner who was adopted by a Norwegian citizen for 45 years. Now looking for his parents who live in Lawang-Malang. Various efforts were made to find his biological parents again.

A middle-aged man whose hobby is riding a big motorbike (Moge) tells of the ins and outs of searching for his biological parents whose whereabouts have not yet been found. He still remembers the last moment he had with his biological mother, when he was 5 years old.

In his memory, 45 years old, he was entrusted to a foundation in the Lawang area by his parents. Not many words were spoken from the mother.

"I was adopted at the age of 5 by Norwegian citizens through a foundation in Lawang-Malang," said Antonius with a sad face, Sunday (23/2/2025). 

He said that his biological mother, Noortje Klasing, entrusted him to a foundation. He has an older sister. Asked what his name was. "Forgot her name. I only remember having an older sister," he said. 

Antonius hopes to be reunited with his biological family. "If both of my parents were still alive, I would want to hug them. Likewise with his older sister," said Antonius with teary eyes. 

There is great hope to meet his biological parents. He also asked related parties to help find his parents and biological family. (jin)

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  • Antonius is a Norwegian citizen looking for parents in Lawang

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