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Dutch Couple Choose East Java as a Romantic Tourist Destination

Admin JSN
08 Maret 2024 | 11.07 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-08T04:09:45Z


Amarins and Yannick Choose the Trio of Natural Wonders of East Java

ENGLISH Tourism | JATIMSATUNEWS.COM: Pasuruan, March 7 2024 - A tourist couple from the Netherlands, Amarins and Yannick, chose East Java as their romantic tourist destination. They came not only to enjoy the natural beauty, but also to explore the unique culture in three interesting places: Tumpak Sewu Waterfall, Mount Bromo, and Ijen Crater.

"Tumpak Sewu, Bromo and Ijen are extraordinary places in East Java," said Amarins with a smile.

Ojin, owner of the "Transit" Resort in Tosari, Pasuruan Regency, which is their accommodation, explained that Amarins and Yannick were very interested in the natural beauty and local culture in these three locations.

"Their arrival is not only for vacation, but also to appreciate the wonders of nature and enjoy the unique culture of East Java," added Ojin.

Full of enthusiasm, this couple is preparing to explore the amazing natural beauty and add romantic memories in East Java. ANS

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