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The Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Brawijaya Successfully Implemented Program of Dosen Asing for Animal Product Technology Department

Admin JSN
01 Desember 2023 | 03.11 WIB Last Updated 2023-12-01T00:47:08Z

The Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Brawijaya Successfully Implemented Program of Dosen Asing for Animal Product Technology Department

INTERNATIONAL | JATIMSATUNEWS.COM: The program of Dosen Asing is the first program held this year. This program is organized by the Universitas Brawijaya by bringing in foreign lecturers from various countries visit Indonesia to teach at university. The program of Dosen Asing aims to improve the quality of education, research and collaboration at a higher education institution obtained from the experience and knowledge that comes from foreign lecturers. The Department of Animal Products Technology succeeded in holding collaboration regarding the program of Dosen Asing with Prof. Dr. Alfi Khatib (International Islamic University Malaysia) located in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia. International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) is one of the leading state universities in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This university is ranked #711-720 in the QS World University Rankings 2024. The arrival of Prof. Dr. Alfi Khatib was welcomed by the Dean (Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Halim Natsir, S.Pt, MP., IPM., ASEAN Eng.), Vice Dean for Academic Affairs (Ir. Rizki Prafitri, S.Pt., M.A., Ph.D.) and the International Relations Office of the Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Brawijaya. A series of Dosen Asing Programs have been planned in several agendas, with carrying out activities in the sectors of education, research and community service with Lecturers in the Department of Animal Products Technology.

Prof. Dr. Alfi Khatib has taught in several courses on Department of Animal Product Technology, both undergraduate and postgraduate. Undergraduate courses taught by Prof. Dr. Alfi Khatib includes Biochemistry of Animal Science, Animal Product Technology and Bee Products Processing Industry, while the master's course is Livestock Food Biotechnology.

Lecture activities with Prof. Dr. Alfi Khatib received an enthusiastic welcome from students because usually they only get lecture material from foreign lecturers via the online platform using Zoom Meeting, but for now they can attend face-to-face lectures and students hope that there will be more foreign lecturer programs in other courses. Not only that, students actively ask questions, answer, carry out interactive dialogue, give impressions and messages also they can convey the results of reviewing the material at the end of the lecture meeting.

Prof. Dr. Alfi Khatib has also provided training in writing journal articles to Master's and Doctoral students. This training program for writing scientific article is also supported by Research Methods and Scientific Writing courses so that students who take these courses also attend this training. There is a coaching clinic for students so that students can immediately schedule themselves for guidance and consultation regarding journal manuscript drafts, obstacles, information regarding publications and grammar for writing international journals. 

Prof. Dr. Alfi Khatib's activities have been described in full with various activities in the classroom and there is a series that has also received enthusiasm from students with activities in the field where it is not only community service that has been carried out by Prof. Dr. Alfi Khatib. However, Prof. Dr. Alfi Khatib participated in Practical Work Visiting activities in the Milk Processing Industry course.

Furthermore, Lecturers in Department of Animal Product Technology have also held collaborative meetings with Prof. Dr. Alfi Khatib regarding the joint publication program, coordinating the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) so that in the future they can carry out a sustainable Dosen Asing Program such as there will be joint research, joint publication or student exchange programs. Lecturers in Department of Animal Product Technology had discussions with Prof. Dr. Alfi Khatib regarding his willingness to become Reviewer for the Journal of Animal Products Science and Technology (JITEK) as well as coordinating the existence of an article exchange program that can be published in the FAS UB journal. This aims to improve the reputation of the journal at FAS UB.

Lecturers in Department of Animal Product Technology really welcome the existence of this Dosen Asing Program and they have hopes that it can increase the number of international collaborations at FAS UB, especially for the Department of Animal Product Technology because of collaborations such as this joint lecture program. "FAS UB also wants to open a new Study Program in the sector of Artificial Intelligence so we hope that can work together with Prof. Dr. Alfi Khatib, who has had a lot of research leading to the application of Artificial Intelligence, especially regarding metabolomics science.




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  • The Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Brawijaya Successfully Implemented Program of Dosen Asing for Animal Product Technology Department

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