Visiting Professor Program to Support Smart and Sustainable Agroindustry of Agroindustrial Technology Departement

Admin JSN
30 November 2023 | 17.15 WIB Last Updated 2023-11-30T11:40:29Z

 Visiting Professor Program to Support Smart and Sustainable Agroindustry of Agroindustrial Technology Department

INTERNATIONAL | JATIMSATUNEWS.COM: Agroindustrial Technology (AIT) Department Universitas Brawijaya hosted a visiting professor program again this year. The aims of this program are 1) Increasing the number of foreign lecturers in AIT Department which contributes to the Tri Dharma of Higher Education activities, namely education, research, and community service; 2) Improving the quality and atmosphere of international education involving foreign lecturers; 3) Become a pioneering for long-term cooperation between study programs or departments through the memorandum of agreement, as well as the pilot Adjunct Professor for the needs of education, research, community service, and strengthening institutions.

Dr. Khairil Anas bin Md Rezali was invited from 29 October until 25 November 2023 as the visiting professor with the theme "Strengthening Scientific Competencies of Management and System Engineering through Visiting Professor Program from Universiti Putra Malaysia". Dr. Khairil Anas bin Md Rezali is one of the senior lecturers of the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). He is also the Head of Laboratory of Dynamic and Vibration Laboratory, a Member of Sound and Vibration Research Group (SVRG), an Approved Signatory of Mass Metrology Laboratory (MML), and a Member of High Committee of Society of Vibration and Acoustics Malaysia. In addition, he also served as an academic coordinator for undergraduate programs in the department, so he was expected to contribute to the curriculum equalization discussion for the Student Exchange program. It is anticipated that the visit of Dr. Khairil Anas bin Md Rezali will have a long-term positive impact on the growth of the smart and sustainable agroindustry and enhance the AIT Department Universitas Brawijaya position to expand internationally.

The activities carried out by Dr. Khairil are related to the elements of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, including 1) Teaching in 4 (four) courses namely Work Design and Ergonomics, Industrial Statistics, Product Design and Development, and Quality Control Subjects; 2) Developing teaching materials and learning strategies; 3) International guest lectures; 4) Discussion of Implemented Agreement Education which contains the potential collaboration of cooperation in activities including student mobility, research and development in smart and sustainable agroindustry, staff exchange, student exchange, curriculum development, and international guest lectures; 5) International and reputable publication sessions with postgraduate students, 6) Visits to partner and analysis with partner for the development of joint community service, 7) Discussion of international cooperation with the Dean and Vice Deans of Agricultural Technology Faculty and Head of AIT Department, and 8) Review of Publication Articles for Joint Supervision. He delivered some topics for international and reputable publication sessions with postgraduate students were “Understanding and Writing Research Paper”, “Research Methodology”, and “How to Write a Powerful Thesis Proposal”. Meanwhile, the topics for international guest lecturers are “Noise Exposure”, “Efficacy of Measurement using Mobile Phone”, and “Introduction to TRIZ Method”.

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  • Visiting Professor Program to Support Smart and Sustainable Agroindustry of Agroindustrial Technology Departement

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