Syahdu, Pasangan Belanda Daan dan Maud Menaut Janji Antara Bromo - Ijen, Heartwarming Journey of Dutch Couple, Daan and Maud, Sealed Amidst the Bromo-Ijen Beauty

Admin JSN
04 Oktober 2023 | 07.41 WIB Last Updated 2023-10-04T00:50:28Z
Heartwarming Journey of Dutch Couple, Daan and Maud, Sealed Amidst the Bromo-Ijen Beauty

WISATA | JATIMSATUNEWS.COM: Daan and Maud, a honeymooning couple hailing from the Netherlands, embarked on a captivating adventure to Indonesia, where they ventured from Mount Bromo to the Ijen Crater. Their journey culminated with a heartfelt promise made on the rim of Bromo's crater.

The couple was spellbound by the mesmerizing landscapes of Pasuruan and Banyuwangi, creating indelible memories that will last a lifetime.

According to their tour guide, Ojin, the couple had spent four days and three nights exploring Yogyakarta before boarding a train to Probolinggo, their gateway to Bromo. While in Yogyakarta, they were graciously guided by a local expert named Mr. Bembeng, who hails from the region.

"Four days and three nights in Yogyakarta with Mr. Bembeng. Then, two days in East Java, exploring Bromo and Ijen, taking a train at 9 AM from Yogyakarta and arriving at Probolinggo Station at 4 PM before proceeding to Bromo," Ojin explained.

Guided by Ojin, a native of Pasuruan, the honeymooning couple was deeply impressed by the warm and welcoming locals around Mount Bromo.

"This is the kind of local hospitality that is hard to come by in other countries. Indonesians are known for their warm and friendly demeanor," Ojin noted.

But their adventure didn't stop at the stunning vistas and friendly locals. Daan and Maud also had the pleasure of experiencing traditional Indonesian cuisine at a local's home, including the famous "sego lodeh."

"I invited Daan and Maud to visit a local's home. We enjoyed a traditional sego lodeh meal there. Both of them were amazed by the deliciousness of this Bromo-style dish," Ojin said.

Having feasted their eyes on the breathtaking beauty of Bromo and sealing their promise amidst the chilly Bromo mist, Daan and Maud continued their journey to Banyuwangi, where they embarked on an adventure to the Ijen Crater.
          Daan and Maud in the Ijen Crater
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  • Syahdu, Pasangan Belanda Daan dan Maud Menaut Janji Antara Bromo - Ijen, Heartwarming Journey of Dutch Couple, Daan and Maud, Sealed Amidst the Bromo-Ijen Beauty

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